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2025-2026 Audition Information

In-person auditions for the 2025-2026 season will take place at the beginning of May.

Audition sign-up opened March 1, 2025. Results will be announced July 1, 2025

You can find general information, the audition schedule, and excerpts below.

When signing up for an audition, be sure to read both the Audition Requirements and Audition FAQ’s carefully. Audition requirements and processes may be different than for previous years.

Interested in seeing what a rehearsal is like? Attend an Open Rehearsal in March! You’re welcome to sit in and listen or bring your instrument and play! Open rehearsals run from March 5, 2025 through March 15, 2025 – more information can be found here!

Want help with the high school audition excerpts? Attend our FREE audition masterclass on April 1st with UNM music faculty members! All high school students (and current 8th graders) are welcome to attend. More information can be found here, and you can register here.



Grades 6-8
1. Scale of the student's choice
2. Solo piece of the student's choice
3. Strings only: sight-reading exercise

Grades 9-12
1. One of the following randomly selected scales
- Violin:  A, C, Eb (3 octaves preferred, no slower than quarter = 90)
- Viola/Cello:  D, F, A (3 octaves preferred, no slower than quarter = 90)
- Bass:  F, C, D (2 octaves preferred, no slower than quarter = 90)
2. Orchestra excerpts provided by AYSP (not required of students auditioning only for Youth Concert Orchestra)
* download exerpts below
3. Solo piece of the student's choice (no longer than 3 minutes; don't take repeats)

Grades 6-8
1. Scale of the student's choice
2. Solo piece of the student's choice
3. Winds only: prepared etudes provided by AYSP
*download etudes below

Grades 9-12
1. One of the following randomly selected scales
- Woodwinds and brass: G, D, A (2 octaves when ability in upper and lower ranges allow), slurred up, tongued down, quarter = 90-100
2. Orchestra excerpts provided by AYSP (not required of students auditioning only for Youth Concert Orchestra)
*download excerpts below
3. Solo piece of the student's choice (no longer than 3 minutes; don't take repeats)

Grades 6-8
1. Solo piece of the student's choice
2. Prepared etudes provided by AYSP
*download etudes below

Grades 9-12
1. Orchestra excerpts and/or rudiments provided by AYSP (not required of students auditioning only for Youth Concert Orchestra)
*download excerpts below
2. Solo piece(s) of the student's choice on one of the following instruments (choose one solo/etude total if doing excerpts):
- Keyboard (marimba, xylophone or glockenspiel)
- Snare drum
- Timpani

Percussionists: please bring your own mallets for your audition

Grades 6-8
1. Scale and Arpeggios provided by AYSP
*download scale and arpeggios below
2. Solo piece of the student's choice
3. Sight-reading exercise

Grades 9-12
1. Scale and Arpeggios provided by AYSP
*download scale and arpeggios below
2. Orchestral excerpt provided by AYSP (not required of students auditioning only for Youth Concert Orchestra)
*download excerpt below
3. Solo piece(s) of the student's choice (no longer than 3 minutes; don't take repeats)



The Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program holds auditions every spring for the upcoming school year's performance season for students in grades 6-12.

High school students are placed in one of AYSP's three high school full-orchestras (which includes strings, winds, and percussion): the Youth Symphony (YS), the Youth Orchestra (YO), or the Youth Concert Orchestra (YCO).

Middle school students are placed in one of two middle school full-orchestras (which includes strings, winds, and percussion) - the Junior Symphony (JS) or the Junior Orchestra (JO), or in the middle school string orchestra (which includes violin, viola, cello, and bass) - the Junior String Orchestra (JSO).

All returning students re-audition each year.

We do not hold auditions for our elementary school ensembles (for students who will be in grade 4 or 5 next school year), but there are certain eligibility requirements for participation in those ensembles. Click here to learn more about all of AYSP's high school, middle school, and elementary ensembles.

All auditions are held on various dates beginning the end of April through the middle of May. Audition dates and audition excerpts/etudes are announced before the APS Spring Break each year. Students may sign up for an audition through our website starting in March. Your audition date and time slot will be emailed to you the week after audition sign-up closes.

Preferred audition dates are assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis and are not guaranteed. Your audition may be scheduled for a catch-all day or time not shown on the audition schedule based on schedule availability, so be sure to sign up early.

Unless otherwise specified, auditions are held at:

Dale E. Kempter Center for Music Education (the AYSP Facility)
4407 Menaul Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

There is a $15.00 non-refundable audition fee. Students who apply and qualify for financial assistance will have the $15.00 audition fee credited toward their tuition upon being accepted into AYSP and registering for the upcoming season.

Yes. There are large communal warm-up rooms available for students.

Percussion students will receive a 7-minute, scheduled warm-up time where they will have access to percussion equipment. Additional warm-up time will be in the communal warm-up rooms, and it is recommended to bring a practice pad or other similar warm-up equipment for this time.

Plan to arrive 30-45 minutes before your scheduled audition time. It is very important to make sure you allow yourself extra travel time and look out for any possible traffic or weather delays.

You will not be able to warm up at the AYSP building earlier than 30 minutes before your scheduled audition time, so please plan accordingly.

Middle School: You will be playing in front of 2-5 judges. Judges are able to assist with tuning and answer questions. An audition lasts 5 minutes (7 minutes for percussion). During your audition, you may be stopped by the panel and asked to go on to another section of music. You may also be given instruction regarding what you just played and asked to play a section again. These situations are common and not a reflection of your playing or the result of your audition.

High School: Auditions are blind. 2-5 judges will sit behind a screen, and you are not permitted to speak once you enter the audition room. An audition lasts 5 minutes (7 minutes for percussion). Due to time constraints, you may be stopped by the panel during your audition and asked to go on to another section of music. Students will have a proctor in the room to assist them. Judges do not know the name or grade of the student who is auditioning. Placement is based entirely on the student's audition score. Please play your audition in the order listed in the Audition Requirements.

Middle school students should wear neat dress clothes that are comfortable to perform in. Remember that this is the first impression you will make on those who will evaluate you. It is also a good idea to practice in the clothes you are planning to wear at least once before your audition.

High school students should wear comfortable clothing to perform in. Since high school auditions are "blind" and the judges will not see you, you do not need to dress up.

All audition results will be announced July 1st. Results will be emailed to the email addresses provided at audition sign-up. Be sure to enter your email address correctly during the online Audition Sign-Up process and make sure that your email account will accept mail from AYSP (not blocked by your spam folder). Email is AYSP's primary mode of communication with students and parents.

To be a member of an AYSP ensemble, a student who plays a string instrument agrees to play in his or her school orchestra and a student who plays a wind, brass or percussion instrument agrees to play in his or her school band. If no school music ensemble is offered, this rule does not apply. A musician whose school does not have a music program for their instrument, or who is home schooled, however, is strongly encouraged to participate in additional musical ensembles.

Yes! The Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program is committed to supporting any student in need of financial assistance for tuition. Each application is assessed using a sliding scale of 25-90% of tuition cost, based on HUD Low to Moderate Income (LMI) Guidelines. Financial aid is awarded for the season, and families must reapply annually. The Financial Aid application form can be found at


Still have questions?

For questions about:
– music selection
– excerpts
– the audition process
– AYSP participation requirements
Please email Dan Whisler (AYSP Music Director) at or (505) 875-1319 ext. 105.
For questions about:
– audition sign-up scheduling
– application fees
– financial aid applications
– general program tuition
Please email Dorothy Whisler (AYSP Assistant Director) at or (505) 875-1319 ext. 127.


Click your instrument’s icon to download the excerpts.


Click your instrument’s icon to download the etudes.


If you are a student who does not currently have a private teacher, or who needs help selecting a solo for your audition video, please contact Music Director Dan Whisler at We will be happy to help you!


Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program
4407 Menaul Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
PO Box 30961
Albuquerque, NM 87190