The Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program holds a Concerto Competition annually in May to select two soloists for the Youth Symphony’s next concert season.

2024 Competition Details:
Sunday, May 18th, 2025 at 4pm: Marie Robertson Hall at the AYSP Facility
- $15 application fee to participate in the competition
- open to the public, free
- winners announced at the closing ceremony following the concert
All AYSP High School Juniors are eligible to audition for the Castro Concerto Competition. In order to perform their concerto with the Youth Symphony, all winners must participate and be registered in the AYSP Program their junior and senior years. All solos must have an available orchestral accompaniment and pieces must be cleared with Mr. Whisler.
Applicants during the preliminary and final rounds will be heard by a panel of three judges. All judges are local professional musicians and are not affiliated with AYSP. Judges decisions are final and non-negotiable. No performance assessment will be provided.
How To Apply
To apply applicants must submit:
- a completed Application Form
- $15 Application Fee (non-refundable)
- each application must be printed and have a private instructor’s signature and a parent’s signature
Application Deadline
All application materials and $15 application fee must be brought to Music Director Dan Whisler or Accounts Coordinator Dorothy Whisler at the AYSP building by Monday, April 14, 2025.
Concerto Competition Rules
Preliminary Round (if held)
- You are responsible for hiring your own accompanist. All entries must have an accompanist.
- All rounds are open to the public.
- Entrants must provide three copies of their concerto for the judges’ use.
- There is a 5-minute maximum time limit for the preliminary round. It is the responsibility of the student to decide on the excerpt from their piece that best represents their talent.
- Lengthy extended orchestral tuttis should be omitted.
- Memorization is expected, but not mandatory.
- Finalists will be announced at the closing of the preliminary round at approximately 4:00pm.
Final Round
- You are responsible for hiring your own accompanist. All entries must have an accompanist.
- All rounds are open to the public.
- Entrants must provide three copies of their concerto for the judges’ use.
- During the final round, chosen finalists will play the entire movement.
- Memorization is expected, but not mandatory.
- Lengthy extended orchestral tuttis should be omitted.
- The judging committee reserves the right to choose several winners or not to choose a winner.
- Winners to be announced at the award ceremony after the concert.
For questions contact Music Director, Mr. Dan Whisler,
Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program
4407 Menaul Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
PO Box 30961
Albuquerque, NM 87190