The Elementary String Project II (ESP II) builds upon the fundamental techniques and skills students learned in ESP I. This class is specifically designed for students in the 5th grade who have successfully completed ESP I and are interested in advancing their skills in violin, viola, or cello. Classes will meet twice a week after school at the AYSP building. ESP II students are expected to continue their growth as beginning level stringed instrument musicians so that they will be well prepared to participate as leaders and role models in their middle school orchestras and AYSP’s middle school ensembles after they complete 5th grade.
For registration questions, please contact Dorothy Whisler at dorothy@aysmusic.org.
WEEKLY REHEARSALS: Mondays & Wednesdays 4:45pm-5:45pm (unless otherwise noted) at the AYSP Facility, includes Fall and Spring semesters.
FINANCIAL AID (NEED BASED): The Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program believes firmly that finances should not prevent any motivated, qualified student from participating. As such, AYSP provides tuition assistance to many families in need each season. Financial concerns should not prevent any student from auditioning for AYSP! During the audition process, families in need ask for a Financial Aid Application, which can also be downloaded below. All application information is kept 100% confidential. Each season an AYSP committee reviews applications considering family size, annual income, and extraordinary situations. AYSP may provide up to 90% reduction in tuition for qualified families.
Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program
4407 Menaul Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
PO Box 30961
Albuquerque, NM 87190