Herself an AYSP alumna, Norlynn returned to Albuquerque after three decades practicing law in Dallas, Texas. In Texas, Norlynn devoted countless volunteer hours to music education and music making, including serving the Greater Dallas Youth Orchestra in every volunteer capacity for 10 years while her children were members of various GDYO ensembles. Norlynn brings to her AYSP role not only years of experience in the service-oriented business of practicing law (including knowledge and experience in human resources, project management, negotiation, problem-solving and management of budgets and expenses), but also an understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented to a nonprofit youth orchestra program and insight into the various stakeholders invested in the program’s success. Norlynn has also held leadership positions in a number of nonprofit arts organizations over the past 25 years. Since joining AYSP in 2017, Norlynn has forged new relationships yielding considerable financial support for AYSP, strengthened AYSP’s relationships with members of the music education community, including AYSP alumni, and facilitated collaborations with local professional performing arts organizations. Norlynn has also overseen the launch of AYSP’s first-ever programs for beginning musicians and the resurrection of a program providing and private music lessons to students and subsidizing the cost of those lessons for students in need.

Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program
4407 Menaul Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
PO Box 30961
Albuquerque, NM 87190